Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #124: About Flutter and team culture

I already talked about Fluttercon 23 and David DeRemer’s keynote focused on culture.

David published an article on the same subject: Flutter Can Transform Engineering Team Culture, I suggest you read it if you did not watch the keynote. It’s about the opportunity we get, as Flutter developers, to contribute to the team’s culture.

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

Embrace Functional Programming with /Dart 3.1/

by Maxim Saplin

Dart 3 (and Dart 3.1), with the introduction of pattern matching, switch expressions, and records, made functional programming even more convenient. In this article, you’ll see a practical example and a comparison with a pure functional language.

The Powerful Micro-framework for Flutter

by Anthony Gordon

Nylo is a micro-framework that you can use to build Flutter apps. It’s meant to speed up the development of new Flutter projects. I am not a fan of using extra frameworks on top of Flutter. You add yet another layer of abstraction which you cannot easily fit to your needs. On the other hand, the more mature field of web development has plenty of frameworks you can use. It’s up to you whether you want to learn them or not.

Demystifying AppFlowy Editor’s Codebase

by Mayur Mahajan

appflowy_editor is the package that AppFlowy uses to provide users with a rich text editing experience. And you can use it in your own project. You only need to understand its inner workings.

🛠️ Tools to improve your Flutter experience

Bridging the Gap Between Developers and QA Testers with Maestro

by Tulio Calil

Maestro is a tool used to automate UI testing for mobile apps. It does not really care about the framework you used to implement the app, so it works with Flutter apps as well.

🎥 Flutter videos

Observable Flutter: Flame + Shaders

with Craig Labenz and Renan Araujo

How do you use shaders to add visual effects to a Flutter game? Learn it in this Observable Flutter video.

Gap (Package of the Week)

“Use Gap to add space between widgets without keeping track of whether its parent is a Row or Column.” Get gap on pub.dev.

👨‍💻 Software engineering

Why We Don’t Ship Software as Fast as We Used To

by Thorsten Ball

“… software has become more complex, which makes shipping take longer. But you don’t necessarily see the complexity, which is why the speed (or lack thereof) seems hard to explain.”

Include Only Relevant Details In Tests

by Dagang Wei

I like this short article about making your tests clear. You should be able to understand what the test does and why by just looking at its code. You shouldn’t need to check what the setup code does.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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